First off my internship midpoint review was this week. I was nervous of course but my coach and I had a chance to talk about things on Thursday and he made it seem like everything went well. All my performance reports I got back from people I've worked with were pretty positive and while there are some things for me to work on it appears that I'm on the track to being an associate. So I was obviously really excited to hear that! Of course it's no guarantee but it was nice to know I'm not a complete failure.
Also on Thursday my group of interns, the blue group, decided we would all wear blue to show our group spirit. With the exception of a couple missing people here are the interns I work in the conference room with. The blue group is awesome. We have dance parties during our break and just have a good time working together. Also I believe this is my first picture I've taken this summer since moving to LA!

On Friday we had our first "Intern Friday Activity" We went on a double-decker bus tour of Hollywood and then had some time at the Kodak Theater shopping area and then went to the Grove's farmer's market for lunch. Minus the fact that my GPS lied to me about how to get to Griffith Park where we were meeting resulting in me totally being late (no real biggie) it was a fun and very hot day. Nothing like getting paid for a full day of work when you just hang out with friends, are fed breakfast and lunch, get a tour of the town, wear normal clothes, and are only there for like 6 hours. Loved it.
Also this week my parents came into town. It was really nice seeing family again. Friday afternoon my parents came up from Anaheim and saw my apartment for the first time as well as my office building and the streets I walk home from work on. This was to ease my mom's fears of my dieing in LA I think. Anyways, after that my mom and I went to Downtown Disney (I have now been there like 3 times or so since I've moved here and I might actually be going again this weekend, we will see....) and my dad just chilled at the hotel. Saturday Chel came up from Oceanside and we all went to my favorite beach ever (and yes another one to add to my list) BOLSA CHICA. Although we didn't get to the beach till kinda late I still totally got a sunburn in the backseat of my parents' convertible. Once we were at the beach though my dad and I played in the water for a while. It was way fun. After the beach we went down to Newport Beach and ate at the Spaghetti Factory down there. Mmmm so good.

Today at church was kind of exciting as well cuz guess who I saw as I walked in the doors of the building..... Dr. Robert Ray from Dr. 90210. Apparently he goes to church in the same building as I do. Weird I know. Also the girl from Center Stage 2 is totally in my ward as well. Oh LA, gotta love it - and I do.