Thursday, January 22, 2009


If you didn't know, the internship interviewing processing last semester was really interesting. It was full of new experiences for me and I learned a lot from it. The biggest thing I learned it that I don't want to live in Vegas, which means I'm doing the whole process over again.

Tomorrow I have my first interview for this new go-around. I'm interviewing with Deloitte for their Costa Mesa, California (Orange County) office. I will have three other interviews with Grant Thorton, PWC, and KPMG that will all be the first week in February.

I'm not nearly as nervous this time around, the only thing I'm really worried about is if I'll actually get an offer. As fun as the process can be and the flyouts and all the cool socials and stuff I'd really just like to be done with this process and have an offer! Anyways, keep your fingers crossed!

1 comment:

Morgan said...

So what made you decide against vegas? Good luck with all the interviews. You're going to do great!