- Meeting my first BYU friends Mo McGoldrick and Emily Hixson
- Having our Book of Mormon teacher, Brother Marsh, set Mo, Emily, and I up with his son and his friends. Can you say awkward....
- Bonding with my freshman roommates over chocolate chip cookie dough (also one of the worst things about college, the blasted cookie dough, not the roommates of course!)
- Freshman FHE brothers. 197 boys are the best! Also the video they made which helped us get through the years they were on their missions
- Car rides home with Matt Dixon, especially when he brought movies for me to watch
- Four square in the middle of the parking lot at Heritage Halls
- Sleeping in the backyard of Zack Milne's grandma's house
- As with #6 is Zack's pathetic attempt to help Ashley Wadsworth (now Ashley Voelkel) and I actually get into the grandma's house at like 6 am to use the bathroom. This consequently led to Ashley and I literally running like 10 blocks to a gas station, at 6 am no less, to find some relief.
- Also with #6 was the boys throwing their blankets on the girls in the bed of the truck and running inside the house to finish sleeping after grandma came out in the morning. This led the girls to wake up burning hot and alone. All was forgiven after granny's great breakfast and a long morning nap on the floor.
- Snowball fights!
- Beating up Nicole Christensen (Now Nichole Walker) while Morgan Maxfield (now Morgan Rogers) video taped
- Sleepovers in Morgan and Nicole's room
- Football games
- Classic Skating with Morgan and Cabrina Minson (now Cabrina McNeil)
- Jess Gomm chasing Jordan Mangum out of our dorm after curfew and scaling the walls as she ran after him
- Building forts in the dorm common area
- Matt Dixon's towel shorts
- Playing Crochet on the grass at Kimball Hall
- Mocking the Kimball Hall quiet hours
- The amazing picture taken of Morgan and me from when we played ultimate frisbee in the snow
- Cameron Nelson and slurpies, enough said
- Hiking Stuart Falls with Morgan and Nicole
- When we were messing around taking pictures in Morgan and Nicole's room and Cabrina dropped the camera on her face! It was sad, but HILARIOUS at the same time.
- Hiking the Y
- The night Morgan had gone to bed but Nicole and I were still up messing around and when Nicole tried to get into her room Morgan started freaking out and swearing at us for being loud, which of course only made up laugh more.
- The cursed shower power and sticky hand
- Hiding Zack in Morgan and Nicole's room when Leslie's family was visiting our dorm
- When Morgan and Nicole thought it would be funny to make we unknowingly watch a super creepy email video thing that ended in me basically falling off the desk chair while screaming for my life and crying
- Playing/sitting in the dryers
- Pushing my broken down Neon into the middle of the parking so we could get Morgan's AAA to come tow it
- All of my freshman roomies laying on my tiny twin bed
- Moving out of the Heritage Halls with it's cement walls and shelf that I'd hit my head on
- Canterwood #1 - oh how I love you
- Summer in Provo
- Scooter rides
- Kris McGuire's amazing massages - don't worry, it always stayed PG
- Laying out in the Canterwood Courtyard
- Cheering for Thomas Bills at the baseball games
- Calling Rachelle Gleason "Rochelle" for the 1st month we lived together, thinking it was how her name was pronounced of course
- Game nights in 202
- Laying on the kitchen counter and table listening to Mika with Rachelle
- The Toler's, Amanda and Chelsea, amazing musical talents, with Katie on the maracas of course
- Being twitterpated, Nicole knows what I'm talking about =)
- Calls in the middle of the night from Nicole while I was away from Provo. Always good stories
- Basically moving Nicole's mattress into my room one summer so we could stay up late and talk every night, you know, cuz if we were in our separate rooms it wouldn't be as fun
- Sitting on the grass in front of Canterwood while enjoying a popsicle and watching for a car crash
- Getting locked out of our apartment and Nicole and I having to spend the night on Tyson's couch
- Picture time with Nicole, we have way too many photos!
- Sneaking into CW 9 and rearranging the furniture
- River Rafting in Moab
- Tyson Wyatt, thanks for keeping my eyebrows pretty
- Sleepover in Park City
- Feeding the ducks at the pond at the bottom of the hill
- My love/hate relationship with the one and only PF
- Ryan Folsom's amazing butt. I love that kid!
- Flirting with Jeff Anderson
- The Blaze game followed by a car photo shoot with Nicole of course
- Sunday naps at the park
- Floating the Provo River
- Yoga wars with Tanner Parkinson
- T - everything about him
- The best California trip with Nicole. So much fun and so much sun!!
- Playing on the swings at the coolest park ever (the one by Walmart with the giant circling swings)
- Chris Merritt concerts with the gang
- Monica Thomas's (now Monica Billen) footie pajamas
- Christmas Lights at Temple Square
- Getting into the accounting program
- Boyd Randall, Michael Pinegar, Peter Johnson, Jeff Marsh, and Bob Gardner
- The Payson Lake outing and doctoring Rachelle's poor foot afterward
- Trip to the hot springs, we may have been misinformed about the trek in and out of there
- Tubing at Soldier Hallow and beating up Jordan Edwards with my tube
- Bishop Bowcut, the best bishop for college students!
- Bowling with Shannan Brooks, Laura Callan, and Meaghan Reese at Fatcats. Thanks for the hook-up Meaghan
- Rollerblading while Brenna Ray biked all throughout Provo. And nothing was better than when we rocked out to We The Kings
- My awesome accounting friends - Michelle Miller Teicher, Emma Douglas (just Douglas, hahaha yeah her and I are like the only single ones in the Tax program, go us!) Lindsay Barraclough Owen, Michelle Brown, and the boys of course. Special shout out to the MANEC group, Michelle Teichert, Emma Douglas, Jae Clarke, Ian Walser, and Matt Van Dyke. How I miss that class.....NOT!
- The endless amount of jokes about the one and only Jessica Fields. My favorite was probably when she told us she wasn't going to answer any more questions about the stupid Rootbeer game even though no one knew what we were supposed to be doing. "I know how you guys like to understand things."
- Foxwood's pool and hottub
- Longboarding the Provo Canyon at night
- Movie nights with John Hill and Mikey McMillian that lasted till 6 am and only Mikey and I would stay up and John would fall asleep so early
- "Whoever smelt it, dealt it." "I have to pee." hahaha on of the funniest nights every!! Love you Rachelle and Nicole!
- Celebrating failing a final with Emma by driving through the street of Provo looking for the best Christmas lights. Also incorporated with this memory is the one of Emma losing her phone in the snow and guess who was able to find it...yours truly. Good times.
- Trip to the Hoggle Zoo and the amazing photo session at This is the Place monument. "Do you want a mint leaf?"
- Longboarding to Spanish class at 8 am
- Getting accepted into the MAcc - Tax stem is the best!
- DC/DP runs with Brittany Hewitt
- Getting an internship and subsequent job offer from PricewaterhouseCoopers in Los Angeles, CA
- Going along with #78, just about everything that happened during my summer in LA. Not technically while at BYU but during the time frame so it counts. I exclude any drama I encountered during these months, and everyone from this time should know exactly what drama I'm talking about.
- When the power was out for like 2 hours and Emma and I were so bored and had no clue what to do. LC is always the solution.
- Outdoor ice skating
- When Rodrigo and Tucker came to visit me in Utah!! Favorite parts - Ikea, tubing, pictures around Temple Square in Salt Lake and the Capital, playing board/card games, Tucker reading Dear John on the couch and crying while Rodrigo and I stared at her, taking a nap with Rodrigo, and every other part of that weekend!
- The Renevati dream team - Kelsie James (yes, one of my besties from high school), Hannah Gibson, John Pugh, David Walke, and David Garcia (or Hawaiian Dave, or Asian Dave - take your pick)! Nothing better than g-chats, scrabble, planned bathroom breaks, trips to Will's Pit Stop, and qualifieds. Just make sure to sign out of your chats when you leave the room!
- LC Mondays, and CSI NY Wednesday
- Graduation photo shoot with Kelsie and Hannah in the freezing weather!
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
101 Things
I borrowed a book from a friend called 101 Things You Should Do Before You Graduate. As I was looking through it I found some things, I've done, some things I still want to do, and some things I'll never do. But it got me thinking of the past 5 years I've spent here in Provo at BYU and instead of going off the list in the book I've decided to list my very own 101 favorite memories of the past 5 years, in no particular order.
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
I may be growing up....
I think I've started to mature. This worries me a bit, but it's probably for the best. This conclusion came about by the fact that I can't bring myself to watch Gossip Girl anymore. I used to be obsessed with that show and couldn't wait to watch it, but today miraculously the sound on my computer was working at the same time the internet in my apartment was working (a rarity these days) so I tried watching an episode I'd missed. I watched like the first 5 minutes then decided to do homework instead.
Homework instead of Gossip Girl.... I'm becoming a full on responsible adult and I'm not sure how I feel about it.
Homework instead of Gossip Girl.... I'm becoming a full on responsible adult and I'm not sure how I feel about it.
Friday, March 12, 2010
Bye Bye Playlist
In case you didn't notice I decided to take the music playlist off my blog. This decision came after some careful consideration and I think we all will be happier because of it.
However, in order to satisfy my desire to share my current favorite music finds with others I'm going to start a "What I'm Listening To" list in place of the music playlist. This way, if you are interested in hearing some of my top songs of the moment you'll be able to just google them or something.
Also, I've decided to include my 2 new top songs as part of this post. I heard part of the second song listed in a show this week and of course had to google the lyrics to figure out what the song was called and who sang it. Well, in the process of finding the actual song I was looking for I found the first song listed below. For the last 6 months to a year I've been compiling a semi-short list of my favorite love songs (for a potential wedding video/first dance of course - don't let this trick I'm still completely and unequivocally single with no prospects for that to change anytime soon) and these two were both added to that list. Enjoy!
NeverShoutNever - Happy
Lindsey Ray - You Make Me Happy
However, in order to satisfy my desire to share my current favorite music finds with others I'm going to start a "What I'm Listening To" list in place of the music playlist. This way, if you are interested in hearing some of my top songs of the moment you'll be able to just google them or something.
Also, I've decided to include my 2 new top songs as part of this post. I heard part of the second song listed in a show this week and of course had to google the lyrics to figure out what the song was called and who sang it. Well, in the process of finding the actual song I was looking for I found the first song listed below. For the last 6 months to a year I've been compiling a semi-short list of my favorite love songs (for a potential wedding video/first dance of course - don't let this trick I'm still completely and unequivocally single with no prospects for that to change anytime soon) and these two were both added to that list. Enjoy!
NeverShoutNever - Happy
Lindsey Ray - You Make Me Happy
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
When Michele and I first thought about her turning 33 yesterday (March 9, 2010) we felt like this...

But then I started listing for her some of my favorite (or just memorable) memories with her
When Michele and I first thought about her turning 33 yesterday (March 9, 2010) we felt like this...
But then I started listing for her some of my favorite (or just memorable) memories with her
- Singing Beastie Boys while driving around in her Saturn
- Our sister theme song (I just gave it this official title), Cake's Going the Distance
- When I was interviewing in LA and she came and met me (a few hours late of course) and then she/Ben had to rush me to LAX getting me there 10 minutes before my flight boarded.
- when we shared a room with her ugly, flat-faced Persian cat
- When she let me and my friend stay at her place and then we went all went to Disneyland
- Skim boarding at Oceanside
- Beach cookout with mom and dad too and running to the water
- When she brought me back presents from Argentina
- When I cut the tip of my finger off in 7th grade and she bandaged it up for me with a purple bandage (My parents were out of town).
- Sitting on Amber's bed crying over a killed cat
- Competing to be the furthest person out in the ocean (past the surfers!)
- Introducing me to Rosa's even when I was very against it
- Watching Hairspray and dancing in the movie theater and grocery store parking lots
- Pretending to be asleep on the floor was she was having fun with a boy on the couch
- and so many more!
Saturday, March 6, 2010
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
So I've been having some trouble knowing what to write about on my blog and thought I would look for some suggestions. What do you think I should write about?
LA Love
Last night I went and saw the movie Valentine's Day for the first time. After hearing some bad reviews I was pretty skeptical but ending up thinking it was super cute. The thing I realized even more was that I LOVE MOVIES THAT ARE BASED IN LA.
Movies in LA just make me SO excited to move out there. One of my favorite LA movies is 500 Days of Summer cuz it was literally filmed right by my office in Downtown.
So, if you know of any movies based in LA or that show LA a lot in them PLEASE let me know. I want to have an LA movie marathon to help get me even more pumped about moving out there!
For Christmas I decided to make a quote-a-day calendar for my family. Each month is a different gospel topic (faith, repentance, prayer, family, etc.) and each quote is from a General Authority (leader in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints). I love my quotes, probably because I went through and found them all, but I think it's a great way to start each day. And if I remember I'll try to add a picture of it on here.
Well anyways, I thinking of making a scripture-a-day calendar this year. I'm gonna use all the scripture mastery scriptures from Seminary and then some of my favorite ones, but I am definitely looking for suggestions. So, if you have a favorite scripture PLEASE comment and let me know what it is. Thanks!!
Really, how do people not see what this really is...
Have you guys seen that commercial for a product called Full Bar? Well if you haven't let me explain the gist of it...
Someone is actually selling a granola/energy bar that they say you should eat and then drink a full glass of water before your meals. Then you will fill fuller faster and eat less at your meals.
Of course if you eat a snack bar and drink a bunch of water you'll feel fuller faster, you've just filled your stomach with a snack and liquid. Basically they are telling people to eat food before every meal and then you won't eat as much during your next meal.
Who doesn't realize this is bogus?! Well that is enough ranting for right now.
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