Monday, June 28, 2010

Phase 1 of the Move - Complete

So about 4 hours later than I initially said I was leaving, I finally managed to drive away from Provo. Let's be real though, we all know that when I say I'm leaving at noon really that means I'm leaving around 3 or 4, which is what I did. So yeah, typical.

I'm extremely happy to report that George (my fish) has made it through the first part of the big move to LA. He got a little stressed out on the drive to St. George which of course stressed me out, but I think we'll both be fine.

More updates to come.


beckie. said...

HE MADE IT!!!! God bless the eight ball!!!!

Kelsie said...

How did you know that he was stressed out? Just curious, I have frogs.

Genna said...

His color starts fading and he was being weird like swimming on his side and stuff.