I'm done. No more thinking. At least when it comes to boys. I know that I've ended up at this decision before, but I'm thinking that if I post it on here for others to read that maybe this time I'll be able to stick this choice.
Here's the dilemma. When I start to think a guy's cute, I start acting all weird and say and react to things way different than I normally would. It really is a noticeable change that my friends can see and sometimes will tell me when I'm being weird. Why do I do this? I don't know. All I know is that once I make that decision, and especially if I vocalize it to anyone, even to myself, there's no turning back and awkward Genna is here to stay.
Then I always have issues with that whole, just a friend area. While I'm fine, and in most cases prefer, with keeping guys as friends I seem to get into trouble wanting more from them than I should as a friend. Is it bad to expect to hang out with someone multiple times a week when that has been the norm? And then what happens when those multiple hang outs go to not hearing from them for a while. Is it weird to feel a little confused or even hurt? It's not that it's a big deal or that I want more from them than just a friendship, but it's just weird when that's been the norm and then suddenly changes.
Anyways, I'm probably going to regret posting this in the morning. That just goes to show that people should blog at 2 in the morning.
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Meet George
Floating the Provo River
That's right, I floated down the river today with some friends, and it was AWESOME! I've heard about people doing it for such a long time now, and I've always wanted to go to but I was usually either working or out of town when they went. But today I could go, so I did! Even though it was soooooo cold today (I had goosebumps almost the entire time) it was so worth it! I can't wait to go again, on second thought, I can wait till next summer so it's warmer.
While I was driving back up to Provo after my recent trip to St. George I started thinking about the new school year. One thing I thought about a lot was somethings I wanted to change or start doing, aka goals. After careful consideration I decided on some goals that I think are not only important, but also completely doable. One of my big goals that I'm looking forward to achieving but am kinda a little nervous of the difficultly is getting straight A's this semester. I'm a good student in general, but I've never had a semester at college where I've gotten all A's. So that's one goal that I'm sure will occupy most of my time these next couple of months. Basically I'm planning on spending a lot of time in the Tanner Building this year, come visit me please so I don't die of boredom!
Whoa! Those are huge.
After picking up my books from the bookstore this morning I headed over to the Tanner Building to pick up some IRC thing from the Accounting Secretary's' office that I got an email about. I was just expecting it to be a paper that had some websites with ids and passwords on it. Oh no, I was very off! What I really got was 2 huge books wrapped together containing the entire tax code. They are sooooo big! It's a pretty sweet deal though, because all the books were donated by Ernest & Young, one of the big 4 accounting firms. What can I say, they love the BYU accounting program so we get awesome hookups! Another plus, I won't have to memorize them! Thank goodness! But just think of the homework assignments.... ahhhh!

Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Where's the Monster?
So Taia and I play this little game that I started this past trip home. I've been calling her Monster for a while now. It's a nickname that fits so well that it's here to stay. Anyways whenever she's being kinda fussy or just being a little ADD I go, "Where's the Monster?" and with my hands making binoculars over my eyes I scan the room and end on her face and go "There she is!" She seriously thinks it's the funniest thing! She even will run over to me and stick her face right up in my face so when I end up on here she's right there. It is seriously the cutest thing ever. These pictures have nothing to do with this story, but the story is cute and these pictures are cute! And of course, there are some super cute pictures of Bella too who is getting way to big! I can't take how quickly she is growing up!
Reuniting with high school friends!
Usually when I go home I just hang out with my family, but after my California trip with my mom I had Lauren Cox's (Lo's) wedding reception to go to. So I had planned to meet up with Kelsie James (Kelso) to go to the reception. We were both pretty skeptical about how it was going to be and whether we'd want to be there for very long. Well as soon as we starting talking and met up with Jennifer Shakespeare (Jeff) and Kaylee Andrus we realized that hanging out again was so freakin fun!!! We stayed the entire time at the reception and then made plans to hang out even longer all that night! After Lo's awesome reception, filled with yummy snowcones and stealing the flower girls' flowers, we made plans for the rest of the night.
After a quick visit to Kelso's friend's party in Bloomington we met back up with Jeff to see the new Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants 2 movies at midnight. The movies was kinda lame and I'm made that the girl picked the ugly Greek boy over the hot semi-black guy, who was freakin hot!!! Anyways Jeff fell asleep pretty soon into the movie and that was pretty funny. Afterwards we sat around the lobby of the movie theater taking a million pictures while Kelso skeemed that Jeff should steal the extra popcorn that was just sitting on the counter. Of course sketchy little Jeff did it. =) So we decided to do a good little deed with our ill-gotten gain and feed the ducks up at the Skyling pool on the red hill. A good time was had by all for sure!
After that Kelso, Jeff, and I went up to the Dixie rock and caught up and were creeped out by a weird man howling in the background. After a couple of hours up there it was now like 4 in the morning and we decided that we just needed to have a sleepover on Jeff's trampoline! The best idea ever. Of course more pictures were taken and more memories remembered! It was so much fun!!! So of course that couldn't be the end!
On my last night in SG I hung out with my hs friends again! At midnight Kelso and Kaylee came over to my parents' house and we longboarded up to the church building around the corner and longboarded and talked for about 2 hours. Well of course that's not the end!! We decided someone was missing.... Jeffner! So we came up with this great plan to kidnap or just surprise Jeff! Naturally, we cruised around in my car and after one first stalker outing that was almost thwarted by a "bum" we headed to Jeff's! Very quietly we snuck/walked into Jeff's house and after a few false alarms we finally found where Jeff was sleeping. For some reason Kelso, Kaylee, and I decided we should all just quietly hide in the dark while Jeff was saying some hilarious stuff! "Who's out there? Is someone here? I'm not wearing any pants." And other such hilarious things! I loved it. Finally we couldn't contain our laughter and so our cover was blown and Jeff herded us upstairs. After some random conversations upstairs and some scary moments as Jeff tried to convince us that a tv we were hearing was really some ghost. Anyways after we decided we were all too ridiculously tired, Kelso, Kay Kay, and I headed back to my car and decided it was time for some caffeine! 3:30 am = Maverik run! Some caffeine and candy later we were even more creeped out by the crazy worker lady who was telling us ghost stories and about how she'd seen us pass by hours earlier. So as politely as possible I started backing up and rolling up my window. Anyways a little more longboarding in front of my parents' house and then Kelso and I proceeded to import her cd's onto my computer until 7 am. Oh yeah, did I mention that this was the night before I had to drive back up to Provo. Am I crazy? Or is that just what SG does to me? Needless to say I had a blast!!! It was so nice to finally have someone to stay up ridiculously late with, but now it's back to reality, aka Provo. Sad day. But I can't wait to go back and hang out with all those girls again. Oh, and on a side note, it was really funny runny into some other random people from high school. There were a couple of people that didn't recognize me at first which I thought was weird. Also, it's funny running into some of the guys from hs that were "cool" but not super nice, but apparently missions do boys good, cuz now all these boys are way nice. Who would have thought, but it's very refreshing to see that some things in SG do actually change! Ok, now it's picture time!

After a quick visit to Kelso's friend's party in Bloomington we met back up with Jeff to see the new Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants 2 movies at midnight. The movies was kinda lame and I'm made that the girl picked the ugly Greek boy over the hot semi-black guy, who was freakin hot!!! Anyways Jeff fell asleep pretty soon into the movie and that was pretty funny. Afterwards we sat around the lobby of the movie theater taking a million pictures while Kelso skeemed that Jeff should steal the extra popcorn that was just sitting on the counter. Of course sketchy little Jeff did it. =) So we decided to do a good little deed with our ill-gotten gain and feed the ducks up at the Skyling pool on the red hill. A good time was had by all for sure!
After that Kelso, Jeff, and I went up to the Dixie rock and caught up and were creeped out by a weird man howling in the background. After a couple of hours up there it was now like 4 in the morning and we decided that we just needed to have a sleepover on Jeff's trampoline! The best idea ever. Of course more pictures were taken and more memories remembered! It was so much fun!!! So of course that couldn't be the end!
On my last night in SG I hung out with my hs friends again! At midnight Kelso and Kaylee came over to my parents' house and we longboarded up to the church building around the corner and longboarded and talked for about 2 hours. Well of course that's not the end!! We decided someone was missing.... Jeffner! So we came up with this great plan to kidnap or just surprise Jeff! Naturally, we cruised around in my car and after one first stalker outing that was almost thwarted by a "bum" we headed to Jeff's! Very quietly we snuck/walked into Jeff's house and after a few false alarms we finally found where Jeff was sleeping. For some reason Kelso, Kaylee, and I decided we should all just quietly hide in the dark while Jeff was saying some hilarious stuff! "Who's out there? Is someone here? I'm not wearing any pants." And other such hilarious things! I loved it. Finally we couldn't contain our laughter and so our cover was blown and Jeff herded us upstairs. After some random conversations upstairs and some scary moments as Jeff tried to convince us that a tv we were hearing was really some ghost. Anyways after we decided we were all too ridiculously tired, Kelso, Kay Kay, and I headed back to my car and decided it was time for some caffeine! 3:30 am = Maverik run! Some caffeine and candy later we were even more creeped out by the crazy worker lady who was telling us ghost stories and about how she'd seen us pass by hours earlier. So as politely as possible I started backing up and rolling up my window. Anyways a little more longboarding in front of my parents' house and then Kelso and I proceeded to import her cd's onto my computer until 7 am. Oh yeah, did I mention that this was the night before I had to drive back up to Provo. Am I crazy? Or is that just what SG does to me? Needless to say I had a blast!!! It was so nice to finally have someone to stay up ridiculously late with, but now it's back to reality, aka Provo. Sad day. But I can't wait to go back and hang out with all those girls again. Oh, and on a side note, it was really funny runny into some other random people from high school. There were a couple of people that didn't recognize me at first which I thought was weird. Also, it's funny running into some of the guys from hs that were "cool" but not super nice, but apparently missions do boys good, cuz now all these boys are way nice. Who would have thought, but it's very refreshing to see that some things in SG do actually change! Ok, now it's picture time!
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