Of course I had to get another fish. This time I decided it'd be best to just start over completely. (I'm blaming my past fish fatalities to a disease in the tank) So yesterday I stopped at Petsmart and found George. Apparently I was feeling a little homesick when I got him, because I named him George, like St. George. Anyways he's cute. His body is blue and his tail and fins are red. I decided it's cuz I went to Dixie High, who's color is blue, and I love the red rocks in St. George. George enjoys swimming all around the bowl quickly and come to the front whenever I get close to it. Anyways I'm excited to have a new fish and this time I put him in my room, which I'm kinda liking the new location better as well. Here's some picks, and his bowl is advertised as a giant brandy glass, sweet huh?! (I don't really know how that applies, but I was just thinking of it so I decided to type it.) I think it might be time to get a real life.....
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