Monday, April 4, 2016

ABCs of Me

Idea #2 of 3....

 A- Age: 29
 B- Biggest fear: Dying alone (this got dark pretty quickly)
 C- Current time: 12:45 pm (CST)
 D- Drink you last had: Dr. Pepper (I typically wait until lunch to have soda, but I needed to reward myself for getting out of bed and going into work.)
 E- Easiest person to talk to: Rachelle Gleason (also myself if that counts without making me crazy)
 F- Favorite song: Home by Blue October (at the moment)
 G- Ghosts, are they real?: Well yes, but not necessarily in a creepy way. (I'd still prefer not to see one though)
 H- Hometown: St. George, Utah
 I- In love with: Um… Netflix?
 J- Jealous of: Stay at home moms
 K- Killed someone?: Potentially with kindness (so probably not)
 L- Last time you cried?: Haha yesterday
 M- Middle name: Lea (but it’s pronounced Lee. My parents struggled with spelling apparently)
 N- Number of siblings: 4
 O- One wish: To not die a virgin (and world peace and a cure for cancer obviously)
 P- Person who you last called: A flower shop in LA that is seriously struggling with an order I placed last week.
 Q- Question you're always asked: Can you spell that? (In regards to my first and/or last name)
 R- Reason(s) to smile: It’s better than crying
 S- Song last sang: A remake of “You Don’t Own Me” that I heard on Pandora this morning while I was getting ready
 T- Time you woke up: First alarm was at 7am.
 U- Underwear color: All white, all day, er’ day.
 V- Vacation destination: Bora Bora
 W- Worst habit: Terrible eating habits
 X- X-Rays you've had: Probably just foot and mouth/teeth. Nothing too crazy.
 Y- Your favorite food: Pepperoni pizza
 Z- Zodiac sign: Aquarius

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