Wednesday, April 2, 2008

My 1st Post!

I've really wanted to start a blog for a while now, and I'm so excited I finally did it! I'm horrible at writing in Journals and stuff like that so I hope this will be an easier way for me to kinda keep track of my life.

*The name of my blog*
So when I was little I really hated the name Gen! If anybody called me Gen, I'd freak out and shout at them "DON'T CALL ME GEN!" As I got older I didn't freak out as much, but I'm just not a Gen. That being said, there are a few people in this world that it's ok when they call me Gen. But for everyone else, just call me Genna!


Nicole said...

I don't know if I will ever make that list....:)

Robert Sullivan said...

Genna, you crack me up! I'm so glad you have a blog. I'm going to add you to my links if that's ok. :) My blog is How's life at BYU?

mom said...

Genna, I think this will go through now that I went through Google's procedures.....Neat Blog! Looks like it will be a fun way to be in touch with friends. By the way am I on the list for calling you Gen, or do I do it despite the list????Ha Ha