Wednesday, April 2, 2008

This is it???

So what happens when you create a blog and tell everyone to check it out and then have nothing on it? Well at least I already have music on here so that's something, but probably not enough!

My mom sent me this email a while ago so I figured this was something to add on here.

4 Jobs I've had in my life
1. Server @ The Pizza Factory (Provo)
2. Jimmy Johns Employee
3. Snowie (A snow shack place one summer)
4. A Paper Girl When I Was A Little Kid

4 Movies I would See Over and Over
1. Hairspray
2. Love and Basketball
3. Grease
4. Brian Regan's DVD (Not really a movie, but close enough!)

4 of my Favorite Books
1. The Work And The Glory Series
2. A Light In The Attic
3. To Kill A Mockingbird
4. Everybody Poops

4 Places I Have Lived
1. Provo, UT
2. St. George, UT
3. Fontana, CA
4. My Mother's Womb!

4 TV Shows I Watch
1. Arrested Developement (Well the DVD's since it's no longer on the air)
2. The Office
3. Grey's Anatomy
4. Friday Night Lights

4 Places I Have Been that I Loved
1. Balboa Island, CA
2. Snorkeling in Hawaii
3. "The Ocean" in St. George! (It's true you can see the ocean in St. George. If you don't believe me I'll prove it to you, cuz I have seen it many times with my own two eyes!)
4. Disneyland/California Adventure

4 People Who E-mail me Regularly
1. My Mom
2 BYU (Sports Stuff, but mostly junk from the Marriott School)
3 My Professors
4, Facebook Notifications

4 of My Favorite Foods (Places)
1. Little Caesars
2. Noodles & Company
3. J-dawgs
4. Chuck-A-Rama

4 Places I'd Rather Be
1. St. George playing with my nieces and shopping with my mom
2. The Beach
3. Laying Out At The Pool
4. Sleeping

4 Things I am Looking Forward To
1. Summer!
2. Being Done With The Junior Core
3. Receiving Notification That I've Been Accepted Into The MAcc Program
4. Having a real job!

1 comment:

meg-a-liscious said... it and I most DEF. have a blog too.