Thursday, March 10, 2016

I ain’t no good at this

I will never be a “good” writer. For many reasons.

First off, I write like I talk. If I use filler words when I’m saying something (either aloud or in my head) then I typically write those filler words down. I want whoever reads my writing to feel like they are hearing me say it. Not a polished version of myself, but the real, imperfect, honest me. So that’s one (and probably the biggest) reason.

Issue number two is that I’m just not good at writing. I never have been. I was going through some old papers when I came across my teacher’s comments on a rough draft story I had written for my English class in high school. My teacher kept noting all the times I’d switch between different tenses during the story. And frankly that is something I still struggle with a lot today.

Another issue is that my writing, like my real life conversations, can sometimes jump all over the place. One second I’m writing about this idea or story and then instantly I switch and am somewhere completely different. That’s just how my brain works. I make random connections between things and I follow them.

And I guess the last major problem is that my fingers don’t type as quickly as my mind thinks and therefore sometimes things come out a little screwy. I do proofread. I typically reread my writings over and over again. But sometimes I think the eyes see and the brain connects what they want to and sometimes the issues, even though very clear, are missed.

But even with all these flaws, I have actually really enjoyed writing on my blog again. It helps me sort through my thoughts. It allows me to say things I wouldn’t typically say. And well, why not. So, sorry I’m not a better writer, but this what I’ve got.

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